Get Cycling Fit this Winter at a Training Camp in the Mediterranean

Cycle training camps are a great way to get cycling fit in a warm location. They are not just for top club riders and professionals as they cater to all levels of rider.

Is the thought of yet another cold, wet weekend cycle ride just too much to bear? Need a break from the indoor turbo trainer? Winter cycle training camps in the Mediterranean are the perfect tonic and are not just for top club cyclists and iron man competitors as they cater for novices right through to the most seasoned road cyclists.

Spain, the Balearic Islands, and the Canary Islands are among the favorite destinations in the Mediterranean. This article looks at what to expect on a cycle training camp plus some alternatives for those wanting warm weather cycling without any competitive pressure.

Training Camps for Road Cyclists

While there are some specialty training camps dedicated to triathlon and endurance training, most cycling camps are effectively offering a cycling holiday with a competitive element. Riders can challenge themselves to conquer either longer distances or test themselves on grueling hill climbs to suits the king or queen of the mountains in their small group.

Most camps offer various levels so that riders can train with others of the same ability; distances covered are usually between 50-150 km per day, and beginners can expect to climb 500-1000m each day. Advanced riders will be looking for 2000 m+ climbs and, in some mountainous locations like Andalucia, climbs of up to 4000 m are possible.

Time Trials and Special Cycling Events

When choosing a training camp venue, competitive riders may want to look for the availability of special events during the training week. Time trials are often offered as part of the package and/or races against local team club riders to see who can get to the top of a col the quickest.

Some companies like Andalucian Cycling Experience also offer special weeks like ladies-only training camps where women can train without any male peer pressure.

Perfect for women looking to branch out into triathlons or learn about bike maintenance men telling them how or what to do.

Club La Santa

Lanzarote in the Canary Islands is a hugely popular venue for cycling training. Most riders head for the Club la Santa sports resort, where a host of other activities and cycling can be combined with free guided bike tours, races, and cycling competitions.

Famous athletes and enthusiastic novices rub shoulders together at this informal sports camp. The only real problem with Lanzarote is the constant presence of strong winds, making even downhill cycling seem like hard work.

Alternative Winter Sun Cycling Training Destinations

Those wishing to train on their own or with a small group in a sunshine environment may want to consider these alternative destinations:

  • Crete – most extensive of the Greek islands, Crete is blessed with a mountain range crossing from west to east, so it offers plenty of challenging hill climbs over 2000m.
  • Cyprus – the third largest island in the Mediterranean, Cyprus enjoys much warmer winter temperatures than other popular training camp bases thanks to its proximity to Egypt. Mountain roads are virtually deserted outside of the primary summer season, and super-fit roadies have numerous mountain to sea challenges on offer to test them to the limit.

Winter Cycle Training

Take a break this winter and get cycling fit at a special cycle training camp in one of the popular locations in the Mediterranean. Or book a cheap flight to a Greek island or Cyprus for fair weather riding in the sunshine.


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