Bicycle safety tips help both adults and children alike. Read this article to prevent serious cycling injuries or even death.

Adults who ride, children who ride, and parents with kids who have bikes should understand how to stay safe and injury-free. Training wheels only stay on for so long. Once those little cruisers start speeding down the sidewalk, make sure they are prepared for any accident or mishap.


All bike helmets should have a sticker with the letters “CPSC,” which stands for Consumer Product Safety Commission. The commission has specific standards that all helmets must meet, according to the article, “Bike Safety,” on the website KidsHealth.Org. If they don’t meet these standards, they don’t get a sticker. Make sure all children and adults have proper headgear which meets safety standards.

A bike helmet should fit snugly to the head without a hat underneath. You shouldn’t be ready to pull it up or turn it around when the buckles are fastened. The helmet sits straight on the head and covers the forehead. Remember, the forehead needs protection during a crash as well. Don’t tip the helmet back and expose the forehead.

Check Bike Parts

Before each big ride, or at least once a week if you use the bike regularly, check the bike’s features for anything wrong. Squish the tires to check for air pressure. Ensure the brakes work correctly and don’t stick when you hold them down and release them quickly. Also, make sure the wheels and handlebars have no wiggle to them.

Regularly, oil your chain. It prevents it from breaking during a ride or falling off of the gears. If you’ve ever been on a bike with a faulty chain, you have no control of how fast you travel unless you use your brakes. Bicycle safety tips also usually include checking the chain for breaks or cracks.

Biking Location

Always try to find a bike path because this is the safest place to ride. Roads, where cars travel, aren’t safe for young children, especially those younger than 10. Sidewalks provide more safety for children under five but make sure they understand that cars can still pull out of driveways, so keep an eye out for crossing traffic.

When riding, roads and paths often have obstacles that seem harmless but give some bikers trouble. Use precaution when riding over wet leaves, sand, cracks in the sidewalk, and storm grates.

When used correctly, bicycle safety saves lives and a few bruised elbows and shins. Ensure your bike is in qualified working order, wear a properly fitting helmet, and ride on safe surfaces, and you should have a nice ride.


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